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Friday, July 27, 2012

Defame Modi Defame – DMD-2012 is back……running successfully since 2002…….

Hurry up …….Hurry ……hurry up..…Hurry up 

DMD series is back with Defame Modi Defame-DMD2012…………though it is flop at Gujarat level (which we don’t want either  and grand success at national level which is our achievement  and that’s why are back with bang in 2004, 2009 etc)

Last chance to show your creativity, your uniqueness, your knowledge, your imagination power etc……
Minimum Qualification: journalist, secular, foreign funded NGOs (FDI in NGO), creatures who are best known for their bias towards Gujarat and Modi. 

Special criteria: Specially for fresher, specially for zolachap seculars, specially for them who want to skip the steps to be on top, specially for them who don’t have nationalism in their heart at all, specially for them who doesn’t believe in caste, community, state, nation and our great history and specially for them who does not believe in Hinduism being a hindu. 

What you get: Last chance to be promoted , to got AWARD at national level, to get money more than you have ever imagined, to get fame more than you have expected, to get power which is extraordinary……. You can refer here the earlier beneficiaries listed below.

Topic: Topic is same since year 2002, so don’t lose chance which is knocking at doorstep right now, right away.
Main Topic: Modi, Gujarat and 2002 riots………………nothing else
Sub topics: 
  •         Modi and Hitler
  •          2002 a worst case in history
  •          Modi …a dictator…a nero
  •          Will Modi regret at all for 2002
  •          Modi is not acceptable in NDA
  •          Modi and hindutva
  •          Modi’s makeover

And many more, you are clever

Special Care must be taken: There must be a special care need to be taken while you are showcasing all of above that ;

  • you never have to get into debate of Gujarat development or
  • ·         Agricultural Growth rate or
  • ·         electricity surplus debate or
  • ·         best road connectivity or
  • ·         fiscal management debate.
  • You must be focused on
  • ·         MODI…..GUJARAT….2002.

What you can use:
You can use entire machinery for the same, more you defame him more you will get.
Entries are welcome till the Gujarat Election Date: Mostly in December, but we are trying our best to extend it so that we can void Vibrant Gujarat event 2013

Reward: Each and every entry will be rewarded with the money that you can’t even imagine.  Rewards in terms of promotions, awards, reorganization is also there at right time. 

Our Funding resource: You don’t care about it, we are backed up by swiss bank with unlimited access as we are platinum customer for them since last 60 years (and for next 600 years). 

Some of previous season winners: 

  • Teeskha Setl(got national award for her NGO, herself and FDI in her NGO), 
  • Rajdeep Sardardesai (he was the best and got padma award and his own news channel), Burkha Datt (also got many awards), 
  • javaad Aktarlal, 
  • Mukesh butt,
  • shabu Azami and many more. 
  • List is not only limited to person, so many NGO and news channels also got big bite.

So topic is clear, reward is higher, go get it like your seniors ………rest ……you all are clever, secular and above all money matters.


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