You are welcome

You are welcome

Tuesday, July 31, 2012

AABHAR (THANKS) crossed 50000 mark of visitors

Thanks friends and readers worldwide for the response to my writings and blog. Today I have crossed the 50000 mark of visitors and these includes visitors not only from India, but from all over the world.

Once again thanks and I promise to keep posting more and more, specific, practical and actual news, information, and knowledge.

Himanshu Ahcarya

Friday, July 27, 2012

Defame Modi Defame – DMD-2012 is back……running successfully since 2002…….

Hurry up …….Hurry ……hurry up..…Hurry up 

DMD series is back with Defame Modi Defame-DMD2012…………though it is flop at Gujarat level (which we don’t want either  and grand success at national level which is our achievement  and that’s why are back with bang in 2004, 2009 etc)

Last chance to show your creativity, your uniqueness, your knowledge, your imagination power etc……
Minimum Qualification: journalist, secular, foreign funded NGOs (FDI in NGO), creatures who are best known for their bias towards Gujarat and Modi. 

Special criteria: Specially for fresher, specially for zolachap seculars, specially for them who want to skip the steps to be on top, specially for them who don’t have nationalism in their heart at all, specially for them who doesn’t believe in caste, community, state, nation and our great history and specially for them who does not believe in Hinduism being a hindu. 

What you get: Last chance to be promoted , to got AWARD at national level, to get money more than you have ever imagined, to get fame more than you have expected, to get power which is extraordinary……. You can refer here the earlier beneficiaries listed below.

Topic: Topic is same since year 2002, so don’t lose chance which is knocking at doorstep right now, right away.
Main Topic: Modi, Gujarat and 2002 riots………………nothing else
Sub topics: 
  •         Modi and Hitler
  •          2002 a worst case in history
  •          Modi …a dictator…a nero
  •          Will Modi regret at all for 2002
  •          Modi is not acceptable in NDA
  •          Modi and hindutva
  •          Modi’s makeover

And many more, you are clever

Special Care must be taken: There must be a special care need to be taken while you are showcasing all of above that ;

  • you never have to get into debate of Gujarat development or
  • ·         Agricultural Growth rate or
  • ·         electricity surplus debate or
  • ·         best road connectivity or
  • ·         fiscal management debate.
  • You must be focused on
  • ·         MODI…..GUJARAT….2002.

What you can use:
You can use entire machinery for the same, more you defame him more you will get.
Entries are welcome till the Gujarat Election Date: Mostly in December, but we are trying our best to extend it so that we can void Vibrant Gujarat event 2013

Reward: Each and every entry will be rewarded with the money that you can’t even imagine.  Rewards in terms of promotions, awards, reorganization is also there at right time. 

Our Funding resource: You don’t care about it, we are backed up by swiss bank with unlimited access as we are platinum customer for them since last 60 years (and for next 600 years). 

Some of previous season winners: 

  • Teeskha Setl(got national award for her NGO, herself and FDI in her NGO), 
  • Rajdeep Sardardesai (he was the best and got padma award and his own news channel), Burkha Datt (also got many awards), 
  • javaad Aktarlal, 
  • Mukesh butt,
  • shabu Azami and many more. 
  • List is not only limited to person, so many NGO and news channels also got big bite.

So topic is clear, reward is higher, go get it like your seniors ………rest ……you all are clever, secular and above all money matters.

Thursday, July 26, 2012

Adhyatma…..Human Incarnation……Who am I……Able Guru…….Kundalani……Moksha


I have got one very very special book on Adhyatma few months back.  I have gone through some of the chapter and realized that this will be final book on Adhyatam from my side. I have decided that I will not buy any books on adhyatma topic furthermore. I had read number of books on same topic earlier, but was never satisfied with any of them. Now the book I got accidentally as a gift or as a token from someone (long story behind it), has clarified each and every questions in my mind. Questions which are common in nature and related to our identity, identity of earth and universe, related to GOD  and everything else.

I would like to share the crux of this book which is written as five greatest things happen to oneself on second page of book itself. It mentions five greatest things happen to the oneself. Just  go through it and decide at which stage you are and how many are there further and how many are in your control and how many are out of your reach. 

  1.       To be part of humankind by being born as He/Her
  2.      To have a question in mind “Who am I ?”
  3.       To be found by able Mentor (GURU) 
  4.       To Awaken Kundalani of oneself under guidance of able mentor.
  5.       Finally, get MOKSH, the greatest one. 

This seems five simple things, but each can cost one or mostly more incarnations.  Point 2 & 4 can be in our hand, rests are not in our control.

Since you are reading this means you have already achieved point number 1 and in this post I will discuss about point number 2 in brief while rest will be covered in coming posts. Consider yourself lucky as you have cleared point 1, because without being a human Moksha is not achievable at all and one get human incarnation after very long journey. 

Point number 2 is tricky one, this question arises to most of us and most of us takes it as usual thing and go ahead with our routine life. Those who got real instinct to get answer of this question, will not seat idle and try to get answer of this question by reading or by asking the same question to his mentor, Maharaj or near ones.  Actually this question comes with series of questions, like;
  •       Who am I
  •       Am I alone in this universe
  •       How this universe got created
  •       Who controls it
  •       Is incarnations theory is right
  •      What is relation between Karma and luck.
  •     And many more.

This is actually good sign, and consider it as a tick mark that you have cleared point 2 mentioned above.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Just an observation : burden on little one’s mind for learning

Hi All;

My own daughter has come to 1st std. Just now, I realized one strange phenomena with her education. We Indians communicate generally in our mother tounge, then in Hindi and lastly in English if required. So our children generally knows his/her mother tongue fluently, but HINDI and English need to be learned. Now in current scenario of English medium craze (I am also included), see the strange  thing here:  She can;

Gujarati : Mother tongue, can speak very well, but can’t read it or identify a single word.
Hind: A subject comes in 1st std, can speak little bit and can’t identify the words in hindi
English: since she is in English medium (a mistake), she can’t speak English at all, but can identify all the 26 alphabets.

What a confusing situation, just wondering what happens to little brain of my child, so I am not pressurizing her for marks or force her to learn everything immediately. She will surely learn at some mature age. Also instructed my wife the same thing and let little one flow in her own way, anything she likes. Seriously, will not do this mistake again for future one, letting him/her be in Gujarati medium only.  

Share your views and observations regarding the same by commenting. 

Monday, July 23, 2012

Dakor Ranchodrayji – Part 6 Full Ranchod Bavni and one laughter bite

રણછોડ તું રંગીલો નાથ, વિશ્વ સકળ તારો સાથ
ભૂમિ કેરો હરવો ભાર, જગમાં પ્રગટ્યો વારંવાર

જન્મ ધર્યો તેં કારાગાર, જગતમાં કરવા ચમત્કાર
કંસરાયને થાયે જાણ તેથી કીધું તરત પ્રયાણ

ગોકુળમાં જઈ કીધો વાસ, નંદ જશોદાજીની પાસ
વર્ણન કરતા નાવે પાર એવીતારી લીલા અપાર
ગોવાળોની સાથે, ગાય ચરાવી રાજી થાય

છાનો ગોરસ લૂંટી ખાય, પકડાતાં છટકી જાય
ગોપીકાનાં ચોર્યા ચિત્ત, સૌના ઉપર સરખી પ્રીત
બંસી કેરો સૂર મધૂર, સૂણનારા થાયે ચકચુર

શરદ પુનમની આવે રાત, સૌનો હૈયે થાય પ્રભાત
વ્રજવનિતા છોડે આવાસ, દોડી આવે રમવા આવે રાસ

તારલિયા ચમકે આકાશ, ચાંદલીયાને પૂર્ણ પ્રકાશ
દાનવ કેરો જ્યાં જ્યાં ત્રાસ, પળમાં જઈને કીધો નાશ

પટકી માર્યો મામો કંસ રહ્યો ન જગતમાં તેનો વંશ
કૌરવોને કીધા તંગ પાંડવોનો રાખી સંગ

અર્જુનને તેં દીધો બોધ, જ્ઞાનામૃતનો વરસ્યો ધોધ
યુધ્ધ તજીને કીધી દોડ, નામ પડ્યું રણછોડ

દ્વારિકામાં કીધો વાસ ધર્મ ધજા ફરકે ચોપાસ
ગુજરાતે એક ડાકોર ગામ, ભક્ત થયો બોડાણો નામ

પત્ની જેની ગંગાબાઈ તે પણ ભક્તિમાં રંગાઈ
હરતાં ફરતાં ગાયે ગાન મેળવવા ચાહે ભગવાન

તેવામાં એક આવ્યો સંઘ રેલાયો ભક્તિનો રંગ
યાત્રાળુઓ દ્વારિકા જાય, બોડાણો તેમાં જોડાય

ગોમતીજીમાં કીધું સ્નાન ભાવે નિર્ખ્યા શ્રી ભગવાન
છ માસે આવીશ હું ધામ ટેકે એવી લીધી નિષ્કામ

તુલસીવાળી કાયમ જાય, પ્રભુને અર્પી રાજી થાય
સહન કરે એ કષ્ટ અમાપ ભલે પડે ઠંડી કે તાપ

વૃદ્ધ થયો પણ હૈયે હામ અવિચળ શ્રદ્ધા આડો જાન
સિત્તેર વર્ષ વિત્યા છે એમ ત્યારે પૂરણ થઈ છે નેમ

બોડાણો જીત્યો છે દાવ, પ્રભુના હૈયે પ્રગટ્યો ભાવ
હવે લાવજે ગાડું સાથ, બોલ્યો વિશ્વસકળનો નાથ

ખડખડતી લીધી છે વ્હેલ વૃદ્ધ થયેલા જોડ્યા બેલ
ગંગાબાઈએ દીધી વિદાય, બોડાણો હરખાતો જાય

બોડાણાને રાતો રાત મૂક્યા દ્વારિકાની વાટ
દર્શન કરતાં કહે છે નાથ, ગાડું લાવ્યો છું સાથ

ગુગળીઓ મનમાં વ્હેમાય, ભક્ત પ્રભુને ના લઈ જાય
માર્યા તાળાં મજબૂત દ્વાર પડીને વાગ્યા બાર

વ્હાલો નીકળી નાઠો બહાર, વ્હેલ તરત કીધી તૈયાર
ગાડું હાંકે જગદાધાર કહે પછી શું લાગે વાર

ઉમરેઠ પકડી લીમડા ડાળ મીઠી થઈ તે તત્કાળ
વ્હાણું વાયું વીતી રાત ડાકોર માંહે થયું પ્રભાત

ગંગાબાઈએ નિરખ્યો નાથ, ઉર ઉમકળે જોડ્યા હાથ
ડાકોર વરત્યો જય જયકાર, દ્વારિકામાં હાહાકાર

દ્વારિકાના રાજાની સાથ ગુગળી લેવા આવ્યા નાથ
ભગત સામે લેવા જાય, માર્યો ભાલે મૃત્યુ થાય

ભાવિકોના દિલ દુઃખાય બદલો લેવા સામા ધાય
ગંગાબાઈએ ધીરજ ધરી, વ્હાલમજીએ વિપત્ત હરી

ગુગળી સોનુ લેવા ધાય, વ્હાલો વાળીએ તોળાય
રીઝ્યો વિશ્વસકળનો ભૂપ મનસુખરામનું લીધું રૂપ

સંત પુનિતને દીધી હામ પુરણ કીધાં સઘળા કામ
રામભક્તજે કરશે પાઠ નાથ ઝાલશે તેનો હાથ

પૂર્ણિમાએ પ્રેમથી ડાકોર દર્શન થાય
રામભક્ત તે પુનિત બને, કારજ સઘળા થાય
One laughing bite: Read this also, really full of comedy:A Bhajan by parsi manoos

નરસિંહ મેહતાને શરાદતી વખતે finance problem નડ્યો જો,
ચેક લખીને મારા પરભુએ એવની  Prestige રાખી જો,
એવી રીતે મારા પરભુજીએ  ભક્તોના દુઃખડા હર્યા જો,

પ્રહલાદજીને એવના પપ્પાએ પર્વત પરથી ફેક્યો જો,
ટ્રીક કરીને મારા પરભુએ એવનો  કૅચ કીધો જો,
એવી રીતે મારા પરભુજીએ ભક્તોના દુઃખડા હર્યા જો,

મીંરાબાઈને એવના ધણીએ Poison Pack દિધો જો,
ટ્રીક કરીને મારા પરભુએ એવનનું સરબત કિધુ જો,
એવી રીતે મારા પરભુજીએ ભક્તોના દુઃખડા હર્યા જો,

કુરુક્ષેત્રમાં Cousin Brotherમાં Solid ઝગડો જામ્યો જો,
એવે વખ્તે મારા પરભુએ ઘોડાગાડીનું Driving કીધુ જો,
એવી રીતે મારા પરભુજીએ ભક્તોના દુઃખડા હર્યા જો,

ભરી સભામાં દુઃશાસને દ્રોપદિના ચિર ખેચ્યા જો,
Wholesaleમાં મારા પરભુએ સાડીઓ  Supply કીધી જો,
એવી રીતે મારા પરભુજીએ ભક્તોના દુઃખડા હર્યા જો,

-By જીતુભાઈ દ્વારકાવાળા

Dakor Ranchodrayji – Part 5 Jay Ranchod, nothing else.

We have seen history upto almost V.S 1750 in this series, where Lord krishna Idol got name of RAnchod MATA also and got true Sadhu-Mahatma also who had identified the God and started daily Pooja-Path at right place. 

Part1   -- Describes Detail and know story of Bodano and Dwarka, some unknown facts and many more 

Part2   -- Describes what happened in Dakor. There are also some self experiences mentioned which are worth to read, after reading you will definitely go for it for sure. 

Part 3  -- Describes What happened to Krishna Idol after Bodano died, for almost 300 years. Lying idle and worshiped by Adivasis  mostly and many more things. 

Part4    --Describes what happened after when one able sadhu-mahatma arrives and made small temple at actual location

Part5   -- Describes how lakshmiji temple built first and then how current Ranchodrayji temple built. What are the traditions followed then and now.

Part6  --Given “Ranchod bavni” in gujarati and one imaginary Bhajan by PArsi Manoos for Lord Krishna (actual by some unknown)

Now comes one more twist, it is about general tease between husband and wife, same happened to Lakshmiji and husband Vishnuji also, to show her at higher stage goddess Lakshmiji appeard in dream to one of the richest businessman in Khambhat state. She ordered him to make a temple in Dakor of her and place Krishna Idol into that temple. That businessman did the same and I am sure you have visited Laksmiji temple of Dakor, which is elder than current Ranchodji temple is the same one where Goddess Lakshmiji reside as a main character.

Later on, within next 30-40 years of time, Lord vishwakarma Appeared on behalf of Lord Vishnu into dream of Tambekar (ruler of Dakor governed by Baroda Gaikwad) and said that there is a plan of temple in your office at so and so place, build the giant temple in the ground opposite to Gomti lake. He did the same and today prasad which is offered at Ranchodrayji temple is then routed to Lakshmiji temple. At a fix date Ranchodrayji goes to Lakshmiji temple for some fix time and return back on the same day. There is also one chandbibi dargah adjacent to temple wall at east gate, which is also important. Today temple comes under charity commissioner and there is fix schedule for Brahmins (tapodhan, gugli, and shrigol) for coming 10 years. There is also fix Astrologers specially for temple who decides the directions, timings and dates for any auspicious days round the year and for next 10 years.

Tip1  : Whenever you go to Dakor, don’t forgot to do the Pradakshina, and  don’t miss the Kesar milk and other items which are sold or given as the prasad backside the temple in the pradakshina route. Specially don’t miss Kesar Dudh.

Tip2  : don’t forget to visit Lakshmiji Temple and Dunknath Mahadev Temple as these both are associated with Journy of Lord Krishna during 1212 to 1828. Also go to the Footsteps temple which is actually in the Gomti lake (there is small bridge over there). If you are lucky you will see very giant turtle (almost 4-5ft long ) in the lake.

Tip3  : Don’t miss “ Vatidal na Khaman” made by one deaf and dumb guy located near “Kanku Darwaja” and “Chetan’s Gota” located in “Vada Bajar” area. Both are nearby to the temple. and both are famous one, you can ask any shopkeeper there. 

Tip4 : During Diwali time perioed, it is really nice to be there in Dakor. The Atmosphere is really astonishing , people across dakor walking here and there in every temples. Lakshmiji temple, Hanumanji temple located opposite to Gomti Lake, Kuleshwari Mata temple and many more. Everyone dressed in new cloths, shaking hands with each other. It was so good that I love to be there. 

Tip5:  If possible be there at Dakor during night at Dushera time when Lord Ranchodrayji goes out of Dakor for hanging rakhi which he has tied during RAkshabandhan to the one tree (Khijdo) outside dakor. This place is called “ranchodrayji ni vadi”. Lord were sitting on elephant and musicians  with flute and dhol in hand played dhun all around the trip.

This is it from my end, anyone who has extra information or relavant info, can share via comments or can send me. MAY Lord Krishna fulfill right wishes of all and fuel the Rashtraprem and Gaumata prem into the hearts of all. “JAY RANCHOD”.

My mother Shri Savitriben S Acharya, me and my younger brother Chirag used to sing RANCHOD BAVNI daily during bedtime. Those who are interested in “Ranchod Bavni”, I will post  it in my next blogpost, also one sweet funny HAJAN based on Lord Krishna  sung by a parsi guy will also be posted.