There are only two reasons behind the same.
1) 1) RAmdevbaba wanted “Immediate Action on so many fronts “against congress itself so it is but obvious that congress will crusade them, while ANNA (puppet in the hand of congress and kejriwal) want only Janlokpal which is no way feasible and implementable within coming 5 years. So congres does not have problem in the same where no immediate action is required. Infect Congress has made anna from zero to hero just to slowdown, crusade ramdevbaba’s agitation which required immediate action.
2) 2) MEDIA (both electronic and print media), which is now a days so powerful and greedy that it can make hero to zero and zero to hero based on money power directly or indirectly.
I got some proof and eventual evidences which will make my assumption and allegation into reality check.
We will have facts regarding the same in coming posts.